Vernyoga Ethics & Code of Conduct
All work is accountable by UK law and in accordance with YA, BWY, YA Professionals UK, CNHC, appleyoga and Sun Power codes of conduct and ethics. Insured by YA Professionals and Balens for all work offered on this wesbite.
The Yoga Alliance code of conduct can be found here:
· I shall at all times conduct my professional activities with the propriety and dignity becoming of a good service to members of the general public.
· I shall not under any circumstances offer or promise any cures for any conditions whatsoever only offer advice in regards to things which may help.
· I shall never enter into an inappropriate relationship with a client, patient under my care as a practicing therapist and teacher.
· In yoga, giving hands on adjustments and assists are part of the learning, but I will always ask and explain what I intend to do before doing it, and it will only be a guide to enhance movement and not an aggressive adjustment. Verbal instructions are preferred.
· All data and information on clients and students is in strict confidence. No emails or phone numbers will ever be sold or passed on to anyone.
· I shall under no circumstances advise my clients to discontinue any course of treatment as prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner without their written consent and full approval.
· I shall at all times respect the integrity of other recognised health care professionals.
· I shall provide therapies to my clients only in areas that I am qualified to do so only. I will only practice with professional indemnity insurance.
· I shall not allow religion, race, creed, gender, and political views to in any way influence my client therapy sessions and classes.
· I shall never make claims to being in any way by association, inference etc to be medically qualified or experienced if I am not.
· I will provide evidence of all qualifications and experience if asked and is readily available on this website under the biog section.
· I shall not claim to have qualifications or credentials I have not earned.
-I will endeavor to provide a safe and comfortable environment for clients to practice yoga in.
-I will always ensure my first aid / insurance is up to date.
-I will always maintain and increase my practical and theoretical skill level in regards to yoga.
-I will always maintain accurate records of my classes and private practice both for financial reasons or should any question of malpractice arise in the future.
-All advertising will be conducted in an inoffensive way.
-I will always be aware of any prior injuries students have had in the past prior to beginning my sessions via the health form and verbally before class.
-I will always start a program being fully aware of the postures contra indications.
-I will endeavor to match my class delivery and personal tuition to the class and individual expectations.
-I will consistently ask for feedback, and thank constructive criticism.